Sunday, 20 May 2007


Not the best photo in the world so I may come back with another later.
It was a card my best friend sent me for my birthday in March and it cracked me up :O)
Enjoy your Sunday :O)


Fiona said...

hehe - great card!

Adee aka kiwigirl42 said...

you're just showing off being first two days in a row lol! great great. thats really funny! off to ponder on my contribution now

Jen said...

haha, thats so funny! :D

Unknown said...

LMAO what a great card!!

pokettiger said...

What a hoot! Has me giggling!

Anonymous said...

Love your card Vanda... that is just so funny ...LOL

Lima said...

ROFL, what a great card, made me giggle!

Aubrey Harns said...

Cute, cute, cute!