Thursday, 19 July 2007

U is for Underwater

Playing along with Suzyb, this is my 'U' photo ...
Elena adores anything to do with the sea, swimming, fish, mermaids, anything. When we decorated her bedroom she begged me for an underwater theme so, trying to be a good mum I had a go. Good job it's only a small box room :O) I'd nearly finished when she said, "But where's piglet?" So here he is, I couldn't have him without a mask & snorkel because pigs can't breathe underwater ~ lol!


Eleanor said...

Hehe that is so funny. Lucky Elena.

Lima said...

That's fab! Would you like to come here and do the boys room? ;-)


Andrew said...

Hi Vannda. A wee while since I stopped by, so many apollogies. I am really enjoying your photographic journey. Adore the 'reflection' photo - absoloutely fantastic exposure - soooooooo hard to get that right - well done you and keep them coming!

Maaike said...

another poohfan:)

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO oh this is soooo funny Vanda but a great pic :)

Unknown said...

LOL how cool is that?? Come paint something for me in my house and I'll find you stockport sausages?