Saturday, 23 June 2007


This is my DD3 writing her name on the back of the raffle tickets she won at school :O) They win them for good behaviour or good work and every Monday they are drawn out of a hat and they win prizes e.g. spending a whole day in their own clothes rather than their school uniform :O)
And this one is the inside of a bible that's been passed down to me. It says "Robert Notley from his affectionate daughter, Clara, 1873. How beautiful is that writing! Robert Notley is my 3 x great grandfather and I am in awe of this little book everytime I hold it. I would have loved to have seen a photo of Clara giving it to him and maybe reading his blog afterwards just to see what he thought of his present :O)


Maaike said...

no picture????

Jolanda said...


sharon said... this your take on Write Vanda..just writing something with no pop back later..x

sharon said...

cool pics Vanda..I love the little story behind the bible, which recalled a lovely memory of my Nana, thankyou, I too have a little bible of hers, maybe I will be able to share a pic of it one day.x

Anonymous said...

ooooh gorgeous writing and a lovely story... well worth the wait... wish my writing was as beautiful as that and what a lovely thing to have to keep :)

Aubrey Harns said...

Great shot. What a lovely treasure!