Saturday, 25 August 2007

Self Portrait Saturday

OMG, Anita has challenged us to do a self portrait every Saturday and the one thing I hate more than anything is having my photo taken. This is me trying to grin and bear it ROFL. God knows where the grin bit is? Going to have to try & not get a reflection in my glasses next time.


Jolanda said...

Great picture. So nice to see you!

Unknown said...

Hey Vanda, thats you!! :o))

Great stone from yesterday, how cool is that!! Im a big fan of family history so I loved the story!

Sarah Youde said...

Hello!!!!! Nice to see you, love the photo but how did you manage it with those other people in the room I would have been pmsl!

Diana said...

Nice to see you! Well done.

Angela said...

Cooool Vanda! Great picture, I did mine in the garden for great lighting to hide my many wrinkles. Is that the little super genius I spy in the background, taking a rest from having already completed the bloxy thing?

Lima said...

Hiya, that's a lovely pic of you Vanda. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the pic.

All of my Todays said...

So nice to see you and put a face to the name. You look great :)

Looby said...

I hated it too Vanda! great pic tho!!

Beverley Todd said...

Lovely pic!

Louise said...

Good to see you Vanda (and whoever that is relaxing in the background).

pokettiger said...

Hi Vanda ~ so nice to see you in your space! I find that many people aren't fond of having their photo taken. Sometimes making a funny face or a cheesy smile makes it more bearable.

Sue said...

Hi Vanda. Great shot and now I can put a face to your name:)

Both my children wear glasses and I am always getting reflections and glares :(


Terrie Farrell said...

Great shot Vanda, loved your comment on my glasses are exactly the same love, even though i paid for extra skinny lenses! LOL

Anonymous said...

heh heh ! nice to see you to see you nice LOL
I did a side view ROFL no one was getting to see me face on this week :)
I think I will have to come up with a LOOK that I can use from next week... maybe something that will stretch my skin and hide the wrinkles :0

Unknown said...

Vanda, you have the sweetest face...and you truly look so kind and friendly. I'm glad to see you.