Saturday, 11 August 2007


I've thought of lots of Down photos today, plums falling down off my plum tree, walking down the cliff path to the sea, thistle down, a plane going down this morning at the airfield into a cornfield beyond (luckily no-one was hurt) and this is what I chose :O) This is where I live ~ SANDOWN ~ d'ya get it (San)down ~ lol!


Looby said...

lovely photo - what a lovely part of the world you live in!

All of my Todays said...

I love the Isle of Wight, I bet it's gorgeous there today. Wish I was there. Lol

Debbie said...

beautiful photo - the sea looks so blue!

Unknown said...

How fabulous to live somewhere so beautiful, Im definitely going to visit the Isle of Wight in the very near future x

Unknown said...

ohhhh what a gorgeous place to live. I so envy you.

Anonymous said...

lol great play on the word and what a fabulous photo... I want to be there!!

mil lunares said...

what a beautiful place is your space..

This Teacher said...

it looks gorgeous. What a lovely place to live.

Sue said...

Ha! Clever! Love the play on the word and what a fabulous photo. The cliffs look wonderful and the sea so inviting :)


Diana said...

LOL - you are clever. I love your quirky interpreation and what a beautiful place to live! great shot

Lima said...

So beautiful...

One day maybe we'll make it there on holiday, lol!


pokettiger said...

Great way to use the word Down. Beautiful view.